Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes, Tutorial, Step by Step, Review.

Olivia Pleased Women Coach
7 min readNov 24, 2022


Winged liner for hooded eyes

Hey guys welcome, so today I wanted to show you how to do the like hooded eyeliner trick, using both a brush and also a like a that’s kind of confusing, using like uh an angled brush to apply a gel slash what one side I’m going to use a brush with a gel liner and then on the other side, I’m going to use a pen which uh some of them have like little brush bristles. But I just want to show you it together.

Where i got my free Eyeliner Samples ?

Only follow the link on this tutorial (How To: 9 Different Eyeliner Styles on HOODED EYES | Easy Beginner Friendly).

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

Great start.My eyelids are peeling, really bad, so we’ll wait on that uh all right, so the products that I’m gonna be using today, hindash uh hero line eyeliner, which is a pen, it’s pretty um precise, not super duper long and it is uh little bristles that come to a nice point super black uh and then for the gel side. I’m going for the gel side, I’m going to be using the maybelline lasting drama, gel eyeliner little pot um, this is obviously in the shade, not obviously this is in the shade, blackest black and then to apply that I’m going to be using a super.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

Well, this is a new brush super tiny angled brush. This is the winged liner brush. This is from samantha robin robindoll’s collection, with uh sigma new collection with sigma, so um. So if you’re not aware of the hooded eyeliner trick, basically the concept of it is um rather than you know, creating a wing. That’s gonna go from here and swoop out. What is she playing with ziva? What are you playing with, rather than drawing your typical wing? That kind of like starts at the end of your eye and swoops out, especially if it’s like a thin wing um? If you have hooded eyes, I’m not gonna claim that I have hooded eyes: okay, plenty of people, love to tell me that I don’t have hooded eyes, but I do have slightly hooded lids and the older that I get this part of my uh eyelid. Just kind of falls more and more and more, you know so sometimes when I do a wing it just ends up like I don’t know like you make faces like this, and this kind of like folds over, and it just doesn’t look as cute, so the concept of the hooded eyeliner.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

I think it’s called like a bat wing, or something like that is basically rather than doing this, like thin wing. That kind of goes like this that can like crinkle over when your eye, squints or whatever you kind of like draw a line here and then connect it back so that you’re whatever I’m just going to show you oh, why am I explaining it? I’m going to start on this side where I’m going to use the hind dash liner, so uh. If you feel like there’s like way too much deposit of product, I always keep a paper towel next to me, just in case I can kind of like wipe stuff on do this, for my brow, pens too. So the best way to do this. To start, if you have absolutely no idea, what I’m talking about is to look straight into your mirror. That’s the best thing. Typically, when people, when you see people, do liquid liner they’re, like this they’re, looking down into a mirror, so they can flatten everything out. But if you do that and you’ve hooded eyes, then it’s like by the time you finish and you look straight. It’s all like jagged and, like you know, messed up by the crease in your eye. So the best thing to do is to start by staring straight into your mirror and start at the bottom of your lash line and sketch up, and you can obviously make this as long as you want, then keep looking straight. You want to bring this in to meet that part, so that you know that when your eye is open, you are going to have this nice wing. I just want to make it a little bit longer.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

I kind of think that this um looks a little bit more flattering when it’s like slightly more straight uh, but whatever you want to do and then what you want to do is, and it depends on how like thick, you want it to be you’re kind of going to angle it down to your eye now, depending on how thick you want it to be, you can take this part and bring it like straight to the center of your lid, which is kind of like what I like, because I think it looks best, but you can kind of just like bring it down. First, fill that in and then from there you can kind of decide like all right. What do I need to do to make this look a little more wing-like, and I personally like to kind of make it a little bit straighter to the center of my eye. Like that see, so we have kind of like more of a straight line going from here, which I, the first time that I tried this I was like.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

I didn’t really think that I needed to do the hooded eyeliner trick, but when I did it I was like. Oh, this looks so sick like it’s very it’s a lot thicker than like. You know the nice thin one, but I think it looks so cool and I really like it. It’s like such a statement. It’s like makes me feel very amy winehouse anyway, so on the other side, I’m going to show you how I do it with the gel so maybelline, whatever whatever samantha eyeliner brush, I’m going to dip in to the gel. You want to make sure that you’re, like really loading it up, I’m just going to use the cap to make sure that I don’t have too much product make sure that the brush is nice and flat. So I’m doing the same thing starting at the bottom and try to make the angle the same. It’s always the hardest part and then once again bringing it straight in to there a little more product and I’m going to once again just kind of angle.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

It bring it to my lash line and start filling this in and I like to fill it in first just so, I can kind of see like alright. What’s the shape, you know what we got going here before. I change anything. I’m going to pick up a little bit more and I’m going to kind of even them out yeah.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

I think this one got a little taller __. You know what it’s such a good product that I told you guys about before. It’s the uh brow food chamomile makeup, eraser pen, which is so perfect for this kind of situation, cleaning up, eyeliner or whatever. Now I’m going to grab a little bit more and I’m going to even that out with my eyelid. So the gel finish just because it’s like a little bit more solid, it’s going to be a little more soft, not quite as harsh. It’s going to be um a little easier to apply or create like a little bit more of a smoky look. So you want to assess like kind of stop in between and look and see like what does it look like when my eyes are straight on and what does it look like when they’re, open or down or looking like this, like you kind of want to assess so you might want to create like a step in your eyeliner uh, all right guys.

Winged Liner For Hooded Eyes

I just wanted to show you basically how to do that. Hooded, eyeliner trick um, just keep in mind like you, want to make sure that you’re. Looking straight into your mirror, and you kind of have to like angle around to see like, is it gonna? Look? Okay in every angle, it’s it can be difficult, um, especially depending on like, if you have um like a different like I do. You know I have like one line here for the most part, and then I have two kind of like splitting here, so it makes things a little bit different, but you can do it with a brush. You can also do it with uh pens. I don’t know what to call those uh. I hope this was helpful in some way and as soon as my eyelids aren’t peeling anymore, anyway hope. This was helpful. Let me know and I’ll see you soon . you can also read and review my other tutorials below :

Eyeliner For Hooded Eyes, Winged, Looks, TIPS, EYE MAKEUP, PENCIL

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